I work for the Pest Planet, one of the busiest news center in my world. Life was great till my youngest daugther came into the family, its my 108th child and boy I think I can still keep going! Do you know its my responsibility to make sure my population don't get extinct in the HDB and to maintain enough croachs to be future leaders?
I started this blog to earn extra so I can feed my 108 childrens back home. My pay, you must be envy! Its the double layer new edition OREO biscuit. But I usually earn half a piece as I'm new to blogging. Darn my boss~ She always putting me OT! Oh yes yes, back to where I started... This blog is all about how I see humans behave in HDBs and the stuffs they eat, play, sleep, etc. Hope this article can lead you on reading and Cockroach God please bless ME~~~
Now, lets get things rolling.... Next time I'll bring you'll closer to what is HDBs?
PS: I secretly tab onto a human by the name Brian & inflitrate his blog to post me... Hahaha, stupid human...........

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