Of course, living on a tropical island where summer is all year round, the only cooler times we get are rainy days or sometimes we prefer crawling across the malls' supermarket to chill ourselves down and tuck into the display of foods there...
Me and my families brought ourselves a simple decent 4-room HDB apartments in the West side of the island. With the decent payroll of just five OREO biscuits a month, and miserable bonus of another some pieces of dropped foods by the humans (if you are lucky to spot one before those hardworking ants). Water supply are toughen up these few years, humans are looking at every single drop of them closely and they even re-use and re-use and re-use them for many purposes! Bet they're on some tight budget too huh? Anyway, life here is good as we never get bored too easily unlike those local humans do.
I always hear them complaining the island is too small to have fun or not being allowed to do these or that... "Hey, we pestanians REALLY LOVE it and appreciate!" So much a facilities over on this big island, hmmm I'm still wondering why the humans always say this island is small? Dumb humans..... Well, so much for the brief introduction to the HDBs, next time I, Jak will bring you'll tour around some of the interesting corners of HDBs and never forgetting the funny acts of humans.....

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