Humans in the other way named this place their "corridors". Boring humans like to mess around alot this alley of food of mine, they spend most of their times moving pots and pots of plants or flowers along the alley. Almost for sure a week, you can see these dumb boring humans changing the positions of their little garden again & again...
We loved when they pay more attentions to their little garden wonderland. Interesting things are often found just like the small cute chilli padi, lime, long beans, aleo vera, and some weirdo spices. I never learn to appreciate those humans' food while they are say uncooked, but what I really think good is they always learn to improve their way of creating their so-called Zen environment. Just when I was crawling back round the corner, oh oh I saw Mozz. Mozz is a professional, some folks say he works for some Pest Government Assault Force, the P-GAF! Gee, sometimes I really wonder why his mouth always had stain of red paint?
Mozz was busily moving around the pot of water laying on the pot holding the flower, and just when I was about to call out to him, he flied away into the bedroom of unit 08-456. Darn is he quick!!! Maybe all mosquitos moves that fast, but I felt Mozz is the real champ... Ok friends, thats all for today and happily must really enjoy your weekends.

How come all plants on one side?
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